World's Most Advanced Web Proxy Solution

  1. So your traditional perimeter security fails to protect you from Phishing / Ransomware attack?
  2. Web 2.0 applications are forcing you to compromise the cyber-slacking counter-measures?
  3. Unable to prevent targeted advertising from influencing your decision making executives?
  4. Struggling to plug data leaks because of the feature limitations of your traditional perimeter security?
  5. Users are forcing you to disable HTTPS Inspection on your traditional perimeter security because of poor web-experience?

Perimeter-level implementation of Zero-Trust oriented Secure Operating Practices   is key to immunizing your enterprise against evolving web-based threats.

  1. HTTP(S) Proxy server is the operative core that regulates the web traffic in a perimeter security solution.

  2. The entire range of application layer security measures like malware defence, application identification, URL classification, user authentication, etc. rides on the Proxy service.

Architecture of a Typical Traditional Perimeter Security Solution
  1. Traditional perimeter security technologies like Firewalls, UTMs, and SWG solutions are built around Squid Web-Proxy.

  2. Conceived for web caching, Squid is a legacy multi-process network application.
  3. Traditional perimeter security solution vendors attach a medley of external scripts and applications to Squid for URL filtering, malware scanning etc.

  1. The multi-process technology restricts sharing of structured data, thus impeding the "contextual intelligence" , needed to implement secure operating practices.

  2. Limitations of traditional perimeter security force you to compromise on secure operating practices thus undermining your Zero-Trust Security goals.

Traditional perimeter security solutions are ineffective against evolving web-based threats.

  1. Stop compromising.
  2. Immunize your enterprise against Data Leakage, Phishing, RansomWare threats, Cyber-Slacking, etc.
  3. Setup your perimeter security with a specialized, high performance web proxy as the operative core.
  4. Use SafeSquid® based Secure Web Gateway to implement the best of secure operating practices for your enterprise and derive Zero-Trust Web Security.

Fortify intrinsic security by implementing secure operating practices
  1. Fortifies the intrinsic security quotient of your enterprise to defend against Zero-Day threats.
  2. Enforces secure operating practices at the perimeter-level to initiate your Zero-Trust Web Security strategy.
  3. Deep content security and contextual intelligence surpassing any traditional perimeter security solution.

Innovative implementation of Zero-Trust Access and Content Control features, ensures granular compliance of secure operating practices.

Content Security
Security Corelation Engine for Granular Web Filtering

  1. Cutting-edge Security Correlation Engine unravels the protocol & payload data and does rule based reassembly before re-transmission.
  2. Profiling engine neurons collaboratively classify each element of protocol and payload data structure for contextual intelligence.
  3. Dedicated Security Processors recalibrate the protocol and payload data in consonance with the secure operating practice.
  4. The underlying contextual intelligence neural network provides granular sensitization to the features of every security processor.

SafeSquid-Based Secure Web Gateway
Traditional Security Solutions

Content Security




HTTPS Performance




Years of Evolution
Customized Secure Web Gateways Setup
20 Million+
Users Secured


  1. Gateway Level Malware Defence
  2. Data Leakage Prevention
  3. Phishing Attack Protection
  4. Enterprise Wide User Privacy Shield
  5. Pornographic Content Guard
  6. Cyber Slacking Controls
  7. Internet Application Regulation
  8. Granular Role Based Web Access
  9. Web 2.0 Controls

Comprehensive spectrum of protocol and payload modification features for Deep Content Security

Enabling you to adopt proactive secure operating practices.

Implement Zero-Trust Web Security
  1. Precise transformation of your Zero-Trust Web Security vision from a spread-sheet into enforced policy.

  2. Micro-define your security concerns for comprehensive Control, Mitigation, and Auditing to realize your Zero-Trust Web Security vision.
  3. Implement innovative strategies to defend against Phishing attacks, Ransomware, Data Leakage, Targetted behavior altering attacks on employees.
  4. Validate the effectiveness of your security strategy.
Implement Zero-Trust Web Security

Contextual Intelligence for Granular Web Filtering
  1. Ensure each network user gets web access to achieve goals seamlessly, yet securely

  2. Set user privileges based on their functional needs
  3. Delimit usage of Web2.0 applications
  4. Authorize scope for Internet applications
  5. Personalize upload and download restrictions based on business needs

gateway-level antivirus to neutralize phishing attacks and malware threats
  1. Sterilize protocol data, scan payload content, check acceptability

  2. Stop dangerous content and malicious intent before it crosses the perimeter
  3. Shield users from targeted behavior altering attacks
  4. Avert misuse of Internet privileges
  5. Thwart deviations from defined data egress policies

validate application of secure operating practices
  1. Audit effectiveness of your security strategy

  2. Compare implementation with planned strategy and fix gaps
  3. Verify application of policies
  4. Check Internet usage and identify deviations
  5. Monitor service performance and user experience

Security Policies Granularly
Protocol Data and Payload Content
Collateral Losses


SafeSquid® easily outperforms any traditional perimeter security solution

  1. SafeSquid® is a compact MT (multi-threaded) network application that provides a high-performance HTTP(S) Proxy Service.

  2. Unique architecture eliminates the need for inter-process communication, and enables efficient parallel processing.

high-performance web proxy powered by a Multi-Threaded architecture and deep content security capabilities

  1. The state-of-the-art design enables SafeSquid® to load content security technologies into shared memory directly accessible by the proxy service.
  2. Integrated update manager seamlessly updates the signatures for content discovery, application identification, malware detection, etc. directly in proxy service application memory, eliminating any down-time or session loss.
  3. Structured Data Pools enable SafeSquid to share intelligence in real-time across all active connections.
  4. The robust MT architecture provides SafeSquid the intrinsic SMP-awareness, and powers it to natively scale-up on demand.
  5. Cloud-backed backup and restore and of policies, for seamless data recovery.
  6. Cloud-backed secured synschronization of SSL Certificates, Custom Categorization, etc. across cluster nodes.

Core Architectured To Scale-Up, Features Implemented To Scale-Out.

  1. Network Optimization

    Reduce TCP Overheads And Network Latency

  2. Network Connection Cache
  3. SSL Session Cache
  4. Intelligent Data Compression
  5. Smart DNS Cache Manager
  6. Selective Web Object Cache Manager
  7. Adaptive TCP Tuning

  1. On-The-Wire Security Neural Network

    High Performance, 360° Security

  2. Connection Handling Service Shares Memory Space with Security Processors
  3. Direct Application of Updates into Application Memory
  4. Amalgamated Malware Defence
  5. Real-Time Cloud-Based Threat Intelligence Feed
  6. Re-Programmable Application Identification
  7. Integrated DNSBL Support
  8. Visual Threat Intelligence
  9. Intelligent Content Identification
  10. Header Modification for API-Based Web 2.0 Controls

  1. Open Architecture

    Bespoke Security Fabric

  2. 100% Software Based Solution
  3. Optimized 64-Bit Ubuntu® Based Software Appliance
  4. Customize Access Security as per Enterprise SOP
  5. Self-Heal Technology
  6. Virtualization Ready
  7. Transform Standard Intel® Server Platform into Hardware Appliance
  8. Configurable NTP
  9. Secure DNS
  10. Extend Platform Capabilities

  1. Extensive Logging

    Easy Trouble-Shooting, Comprehensive Analytics

  2. Browser-Level Policy Validation
  3. Policy Application Logging
  4. Comprehensive Transaction Visualization
  5. Human Readable Text-based logging
  6. Time-Stamped Configuration Archiving
  7. Application Performance Counters
  8. Multi-Cast UDP Broadcast for Log Aggregation
  9. SIEM-Ready Logs
  10. Cross-Domain Web Traffic Logging
  11. UI Access Logs
  12. Privileged Access Logs
  13. Egressing Data Capture
  14. Configurable Reporting

  1. Embedded WebUI

    Compact and Adaptive Application Interface

  2. REST Based Configuration
  3. Zero-Session Loss Policy Application
  4. User Consented Web Access Over-Rides
  5. Customizable User Interactive Applications
  6. Integrated Captive Portal
  7. Dynamic Auto Suggestion
  8. Dynamic Selection of Directory Users and Groups
  9. Real-Time Performance Statistics
  10. Encryption of administrative credentials
  11. One-Click Integration for Kerberos / SSO
  12. Auditable Implementation of Web Security Policy

  1. Cluster Management

    Effortlessly Scale-Out

  2. Shareable Activation Key
  3. Cluster-Wide Seamless Policy Replication
  4. Encrypted Passphrase Protection for Trusted Root CA
  5. Seamless Dispersal of Custom Categorization
  6. Cluster-Aware SSL Session Tickets
  7. Cluster-Aware Interception SSL Certificates
  8. Workflow Integrated Policy Backup
  9. Secure Policy Restore

Security Fabric
Application Availability
Application Management

  1. Efficient solutions that address challenges in Web Security

  2. Designed to scale, built for performance.

  1. SafeSquid Appliance Builder

  2. Optimized ISO image of Ubuntu x86_64 net-installer
  3. Setup your Secure Web Gateway on any Virtualization platform
  4. Transform standard IntelĀ® Server Platform into Hardware Appliance for Secure Web Gateway
  5. Requires minimal Linux expertise
  6. Standard setup takes less than 20 minutes

  1. In-Cloud Secure Web Gateway

  2. Secure users accessing web from small branch offices
  3. Protection off-premise users
  4. VPN-based tunelling of user traffic into Proxy
  5. Integrate with your VPN / SDN topology
  6. Ready to use templates available on the most trusted cloud IaaS providers

  1. Customized Secure Web Gateway

  2. Built on SafeSquid SWG Standard Platform
  3. Sensitized for large enterprises
  4. Feature spectrum customizations
  5. Precise redressal for your topological needs
  6. Advanced integrations to meet technology challenges

  1. Web SIEM

  2. Overcome limitations of generic SIEM
  3. Comprehensive Web Traffic Intelligence
  4. Aggregate Logs from your SWG Cluster
  5. Generate actionable reports
  6. Analyze enterprise web culture
  7. Examine usage trend and discover deviations
  8. Identify malicious activities to fortify secure operating practice

  1. POST Library

  2. Analyze Data that Egresses from Your Enterprise
  3. Visualize information sharing culture
  4. Discover gaps in secure operating practice
  5. Historical data exit analysis
  6. Ready for Big Data Analysis

Scale and Customize
Open Architecture
ROO on invested computing power
Network and Security Infrastructure

  1. Getting Started with SafeSquid is very easy.

  2. Register on and get your Product Activation Key
    It's FREE!
  3. Download the SafeSquid Appliance Builder ISO from safesquid.iso and setup your Secure Web Gateway
    It's FREE!
  4. Comprehensive documentation maintained at covers a wide variety of technical information, and "How Tos".
  5. Join the SafeSquid user community at
    Collaborate with peers to achieve your goals and share suggestions for improvement.